
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Guest Commentary: Strike Up the Band!

Jody Adams offers the following exhortation to students to join the Madison High School "Spirit of Madison" marching band in a letter to the editor in last night's MDL:

The Spirit of Madison Band members belong to a special team that no sporting activity could ever measure up to. The band does not discriminate -- if you want to be a memer, you are welcome. We never cut a team member. No one sits on the bench. When we perform, everyone participates. It does not matter whether you are male or female. We work together as a team... always!

Right on the money, Jody. Hmmm... band sounds a lot like high school interp, debate, and drama!


  1. It was a great letter!

    Now how about the school board and administration addressing the trimester issue that was raised by Clair Welbon's letter to the editor.

    If Madison is the only school ditrict in the state using trimesters, there is evidently proof out there that regular semesters are the way go to. Get busy, school board. Look at this please. If trimesters had an impact on the football team, you can bet it would be dealt with immediately!

  2. The opt-out vote has drawn more public comment: Mark Lee and Gerry Lange have both weighed in with letters to MDL asking why the school district isn't taking advantage of the extra money voters authorized to restore the arts programs that have been cut and make some needed additions, like some long needed repairs in the auditorium. The big question: will this surge of public comment lead to a public presence at the next school board meeting to demand some action?


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