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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Shawn Cable Unplugged?!

Say it ain't so! Fellow SDSU alum Shawn Cable is leaving KELO, says that Sioux Falls newspaper (article archived here). Contract not renewed, bio already yanked from KELOLand.com (but cached by Google and still available for the truly grief-stricken)... yikes! What will we do without our favorite singing weatherman? Let's hope his excellent weather site stays operational -- weather geeks everywhere must love it!

update: Cable's contract ends July 31, but this morning is his last broadcast. KELO's news director Mark Millage won't say why Cable is leaving early, saying it's "a personnel matter," which has been adminspeak for "there's trouble" every time I've heard it used. Cable was two-time AP "Best Weathercaster in South Dakota" (I wonder if that's for accuracy or style). If anyone knows what prompted this career change, let us know!


  1. I wouldn't weep too much for Shawn! Rumor is he'll be heading over to MySiouxFalls.com as it's meteorologist when his contract expires.

  2. There are other good weathermen on KELO also, but Shawn really was front guy there. He will be missed!

  3. MySiouxFalls.com? Oh, that Shawn -- always on the cutting edge... like every good Jackrabbit!


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