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Thursday, August 9, 2007

Political Dish of the Day: Republican Buys Democrat Blizzard!

The latest buzz on the street: District 8 State Representative and local GOP stalwart Russell Olson bought Blizzards for Congresswoman and well-known Democrat Stephanie Herseth! Let's see the Beltway pundits make sense of that one. Political influence peddling? Party-switch imminent? Trying to get Stephanie all full before the big Dems spaghetti dinner tonight? Heck no -- it's just Miracle Treat Day! That's what makes Madison great, a concept the squawking Washington partisans just don't get: we don't care what party you are, Republican, Democrat, Green, or Red -- we'll still buy you ice cream... and work with you to make life better for everyone.


  1. Russ, your shamless

  2. Har har. But if I can take you at your spelling, Anon, then you are absolutely right: on this one, Russ is indeed shamless -- i.e., acting with not a hint of sham. I'm willing to bet that Russ just wanted to arrange a really cool moment in the midst of Miracle Treat Day for his buddy DeLon. Russ was at the Highway 34 meeting with Rep. Herseth. "Cool!" Russ probably thought. "We have a Congresswoman in town! DeLon should bring her a Blizzard!" That's great PR for a local businessman. And DeLon really enjoyed meeting the Congresswoman.


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