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Friday, August 31, 2007

SDHSAA "Absolutely Crazy" -- SDWC on Felons in Football

Who says conservatives and liberals can't agree? South Dakota War College weighs in with its own disgust and disbelief at the SDSHAA's granting "special dispensation" to a convicted felon to play children's games at West Central. It's good to know that others can see through Jerome Hunt's victim act:

Attempted Rape is a crime of violence against others, not the basis for “hardship criteria.”If someone was convicted of “attempted” child molestation, would we grant them special dispensation to work in a day care center because it was a “hardship” for them to do something else?

NO! Because that’s crazy talk! [PP, "What Was the SDHSAA Thinking Putting a Fox Back in the henhouse?" SDWC, 2007.08.31.]

Conservatives and liberals alike can see the need for educators and courts to stand up to bullies and not give them special privileges. Whatever the motives behind granting this special dispensation to a convicted felon, the SDHSAA needs to revisit its decision and consider correcting its error, for the sake of principle and student safety. If that can't happen, coaches and administrators at other schools should consider whether they want to take the risk of putting their athletes and fans in the same building as a convicted felon and bully.


  1. I have my take on the whole situation... but it was too much to put in your blog. So I put it in mine!


  2. He is not a convicted felon. He is an adjudicated juvenile delinquent. While it may not impact your opinion on the matter, you should strive to be accurate.

  3. Thank you, Anon, for the correction. My headlines may require amendment; my opinion remains unchanged.


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