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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bruce Springsteen and Local Radio

Jackrabit1 directs us toward the latest Springsteen single, "Radio Nowhere." (Read the lyrics; listen to the single!) Particularly interesting recommendation from a member of the corporate media. My favorite lyric:

I want a thousand guitars
I want pounding drums
I want a million different voices speaking in tongues

We don't get that from the media conglomerates that Larry Pressler's "reforms" in the guise of the 1996 Telecommunications Act permitted. Corporate media don't have room in their profit optimizations for the unique voices of local broadcasters, artists, and commentators who don't pretend to have nationwide appeal. Give me Uncle Jim and Uncle Owen on South Dakota Public Radio over B93.7's John Tesh show any day. Give me Rick and Ruth on Viewpoint University over the national corporate grouch/blabmongers (Limbaugh, Hannity, Boortz, et al).


  1. My comment is not related to this post at all, but I just wanted to say that you really should change your RSS feed back to the full blog post rather than just the title. I understand you might want to drive traffic to your blog, but being able to receive the full post on the feed makes it easier on those of us who want to get away with reading your blog while at work (and those of us who are too lazy to click the link to load the full post; it's just so inconvenient, y'know?).

  2. The squeaky wheel gets the grease -- done! I'm all about getting away with reading the blog while at work. :-)

  3. Corporate Radio... That's funny!

    And Todd, it's "Bruuuuuuuuuce!"

    November 2nd, Xcel Energy Center, St. Paul!


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