The Madville Times loves youthful enthusiasm and quixotic pursuits. (The Madville Times is youthful enthusiasm and quixotic pursuits.) That's why we are not bothered to see the appearance of a Young Socialists club at Roosevelt High School in Sioux Falls. The club has been getting a fair amount of attention in the press and blog world this very Red October (more than FCCLA or the interp teams... darn it!). Even Red-hunter Bob Ellis took time to congratulate the kids on their efforts "to examine socialism in the light of day" (since it will lead them to the inevitable conclusion that socialism will destroy the human spirit, the American way of life, and cute puppies* -- see Bob Ellis, "Kudos to the Argus Leader and Young Socialists," Dakota Voice, 2007.10.12).
Youthful enthusiasm can lead to.. questionable declarations. Dakota War College highlights a "quote of the day" (mercifully, without commentary -- thanks for going easy on the kids, PP) from club leader (Politburo member?) Shane Donaldson, who with the heady wisdom of a sophomore deems Lenin a true socialist who killed people "for the cause." (PP fails to note Donaldson's further statement that Stalin was "a fraud, a butcher, and no socialists at all" -- see Jon Walker, "Young Socialists Make Waves at Roosevelt," that Sioux Falls paper, 2007.10.20.)
Defending a terrorist demagogue like Lenin is problematic within a framework of democracy. But Donaldson's language is no different from the sort of macho rhetoric kids (and all too many grown-ups) use to talk about the death penalty ("I'd love to throw the switch!") or military action ("We'll show Saddam who's boss!") to make themselves sound tough when they are far removed from the actual action.
Fortunately, the Young Socialists' rhetoric is tied to an effort to discuss world history and politics. They'll get some things wrong and some things right, just like us adults. And Donaldson's assessment of Lenin doesn't appear to be tied to a concrete course of action for the club. These kids aren't out throwing bombs at City Hall; they're critiquing the culture ("There are homeless people in one part of the city, and in another part, there are people in these huge houses," says young Red Austin Wodzinski) and looking for ways to do some good... not all that different from some bloggers.
Maybe the Young Socialists will look back on their high school agitprop, smile, and channel GW Bush: "When I was young and stupid, I was young and stupid." Or will they? Should they? Almost everyone in high school latches on to some group or activity or hobby or idea for a sense of identity and belonging. These Roosevelt kids have latched on to sociopolitical discourse (plus doughnuts and apple juice**). Who's to say that's any sillier than latching onto cheerleading, football, or country music?
Keep up the good discussions, kids, and keep looking for ways to channel your words into works.
*O.K., so Bob didn't mention puppies. That was my... creative license.
**Doughnuts and apple juice? Uh oh -- let's hope they at least bought from Hy-Vee, which is employee-owned.
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UPDATE: During the meeting last night the Chancellor of the Catholic
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2 days ago
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