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Friday, October 19, 2007

Red Alert -- Thune Socializes Medicine

The forces of evil have kidnapped South Dakota Senator John Thune and replaced him with a Communist agent. There can be no other explanation for this otherwise inexplicable departure from Senator Thune's staunch defense of America from the ills of socialized medicine. In a stunning reversal of the brave defeat of the Soviet agitprop that would have saddled Americans with the Marxist SCHIP program, Senator Thune's devious Red double has introduced an amendment to the 2008 Health and Human Services funding bill that would more than double the budget for the federal Office for the Advancement of Telehealth [no author cited, "Thune Introduces Telehealth Amendment," KELOLand.com, 2007.10.19].

This Communist döppelganger reveals his true intent in his all-too-obvious Bolshevik rhetoric:

Thune says, "Telehealth is an important innovation that promises greater access to high-quality health care with reduced costs for patients and health care providers, especially in rural areas." [KELOLand.com]

Ha! Just like a liberal, blowing a smokescreen of caring for rural people to distract us from his treasonous subterfuge. This "telehealth amendment" is the thin edge of the wedge, prying loose our already precarious grip on our precious liberties and sending us careening down the slippery slope to socialized medicine.

Loyal Americans can only hope that President Bush will catch the Reds at this latest dirty trick, veto this gross expansion of the State, and root out these disloyal saboteurs (if they haven't already gotten him, too!)

Also online at KELOLand.com!


  1. Here is a comment I posted at Dakota War College to refute the ideas behind repealing the death tax. The were deleted for some reason. Hopefully they will be safe here. The discussion thread was here: http://dakotawarcollege.com/?p=2966

    I shouldn’t care so much about correcting your stupidity but it’s fun to point out how hollow and wrong all the information the GOP has told you.

    My fact and figures are from the IRS. http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/article/0,,id=108143,00.html
    I’ll stand by their numbers.

    You can read about who is funding the campaign against the estate tax in several articles. It’s pretty much an open secret: http://www.citizen.org/pressroom/release.cfm?ID=2182

    Print it off, read it over, and see if you and your friends can tell me if I am saying anything wrong.
    Congressional Budget Office also has another interesting study showing the negetive impact of repealing the estate tax and what people give to charities.

    I have answered all of your questions. You can’t answer a single one of mine.

    You ARE parroting Frank Luntz, whether you know it or not. In the link I sent you, he takes credit for making up the term and explains why he had to. It’s a good insight into the GOP’s East German like propoganda.

    I’m serous about naming names. If there was someone so slighted by the Estate tax as you say there is, they would be on Fox news nonstop. The GOP would be running ads showing the “tax man” taking all of the kids’ “worked for” inheritance way while they had a big slow motion tear running down their face. But you can’t name one.

    And because I am from a hard-working middle class family, My inheritance will be less than $1.5 million dollars and by law I will be able to collect every penny tax free. That’s the way the law was even before the GOP geniuses decided to run up the debt more by trying to repeal it.

    But don’t take my word for it. The second richest man in America, Warren Buffett agrees with me too. (I’ll make you look that one up)

    Our discussion has only gone to show you can lead a Republican to the facts but you can’t make them see the truth.

    The absolute best part….. One person who fought for an Estate Tax because it was a good idea and for exactly the reasons you say you don’t like it……
    His picure is featured on this website at the top every day…

    Theodore Roosevelt.

  2. Well, Anon, that was random. You're telling me you couldn't find a single other blog post about estate tax? Oh well.


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