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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

NewYankton.info Posts Bernard-Rupiper Claim

But don't take this layperson's opinion: read Mayor Bernard and Councilman Rupiper's legal filing for yourself, courtesy of NewYankton.info, see if it passes your own legal smell test.

1 comment:

  1. The petition for writ to stop the election cites laws. Judge Anderson legally should throw out the recall election as the petition did not follow written laws. Judge Rusch recused himself for unstated reasons, but his prior rulings show laws have no business in his court. Google southdakotagov.info for his letters on following the law. Passing 1000s of bad checks using different social security numbers in yankton while on his ordered probation is not a crime?
    The stores merely passed her savings on to you. No wonder prices are so high as this is not the only example of this type of Judicial misconduct.


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