"A mental state that includes unreasonable suspicions of people and situations. A person who is paranoid may be suspicious, hostile, feel very important, or may become extremely sensitive to rejection by others." [from "CopingWithMentalIllness.com," AstraZeneca LP's corporate propaganda website]
Sibby Online:
The SDHSAA punished an entire Catholic school on probation for students unknowingly auditioning for a schools activity, while a government school is allowed to downplay sexual activity in conjunction with a SHHSAA [sic] event. Conduct that has been ruled as criminal.
There is only only one way to look at the St. Thomas More punishment... anti-Christian bigotry. [Steve Sibson, "SDHSAA Goes Anti-Christian," SibbyOnline, 2007.11.05]
Sibson was on the right track until the last sentence. We humbly suggest that there are many ways one could see the SDHSAA's crackdown on those darn St. Thomas More musicians. A more rational interpretation than the SDHSAA's complicity with Nero is the power of the jockocracy. Arts supporters admit their wrongdoing and take the heat, while a convict skips school for a year and gets to play children's games in the Dakota Dome. We don't have to reach for anti-Christian bigotry (in a state where darn near everyone is Christian) to sense something isn't quite right in the harsh hand dealt St. Thomas More for its kids' artistic pursuits.
The difference here is jock-ability. Kids with artistic pursuits aren't necessary to a sports team winning, while the ex-con is. It's not anti-Christian, it's simply pro-sports as usual.