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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Abortion Ban Petition Making Rounds

The SD Secretary of State's website offers the text (in PDF format, alas) of the retread abortion ban petition being circulated by people who just can't get their minds around the fact that we have already had this discussion. The proposed ban repeats a lot of the same dangerous language as HB 1215, the abortion ban South Dakotans voted down last time, including this abuse of the Constitution:

(4) [The people of the State of South Dakota find] That a pregnant woman possesses certain intrinsic rights which enjoy affirmative protection under the Constitution of the United States, and under the Constitution and laws of the State of South Dakota, and that among these rights are the fundamental right of the pregnant woman to her relationship with her child, and her fundamental right to make decisions that advance the well-being and welfare of her child....

Remember the Handmaid's Tale? There's the problem... more to come!


  1. The only women who MIGHT have a leg to stand on with your "Handmaid's Tale" reference would be a woman who is raped. According to the latest abortion statistics for South Dakota, only 1.1% of abortions were done for rape.

    Therefore, we're keeping abortion legal to kill 98.9% of the unborn children who don't fit this bill.

    The natural product of sex is reproduction. It's what naturally happens when you have sex. If women don't want to run the risk of getting pregnant, they shouldn't get married or have sex.

    Arguing that having children when you have sex is unreasonable is like being upset that you got wet because you went swimming, or got cold when you went skiing.

    Once a child is conceived, it is a unique human being. It has a unique set of DNA that makes it completely distinct from the mother; it is not a part of her body that she can do with as she wills. It is a distinct person with inherent rights, and among those is the right to simply live.

  2. Once again, this dog won't hunt! You can put lipstick on a pig, but at the end of the day, it is still a pig. With the number of abortions falling each year in South Dakota (less than 850), it is obvious that EDUCATION, not LEGISLATION, is the key to winning the war and keeping women healthy. If the focus was to spend more time teaching people what abortion does to a fetus and how it affects women and families, you could further reduce it, but it will never be eliminated, no matter how many laws you pass. It is an unattainable goal to eliminate abortion. Let's educate, keep it safe and watch the numbers continue to fall.

  3. No law will ever completely eliminate any evil act. We wouldn't have violate crime in this country if laws prevented the act. Laws are created to protect individuals (generally speaking). People are fighting about the right to make choices versus moral principle in the abortion debate. Abortion is a sticky issue. And unfortunately neither side talks to the other very well.


  4. "who just can't get their minds around the fact that we have already had this discussion"

    That's a pretty lame comment, Cory. You don't stop talking about teacher pay or health care just because we have already had that discussion. Obviously we against standard abortions feel that there is something irresponsible in the status quo, and, like the abolitionists, will keep bringing it up until legislation or judicial rulings gives us some latitude.

    By the way, speaking of the last time we had this discussion, I seem to remember that you forfeited the moral position to our side.

  5. The voters already have spoken yet again the issue comes up again and again.

    How about the news on keloland about foreclosures in SD? Record number of foreclosures yet unreported. Yankton realitor who is also in legislature said foreclosures are not really up. Keloland says they have doubled in Yankton alone this year. Mitchell already has 7 foreclosure sales set for January. Instead of dragging up old issues the state needs to address the economic impact of low wages, schools, not abortion yet again.

  6. Doh! You said abortion, now the nutcases are coming out of the woodwork.


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