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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Alexa Rankings: Madville Times Is Voice of Madison

Crass self-promotion? On a Sunday? For shame! ;-)

Here's some news that will matter absolutely no one... except maybe my advertisers and the Madison Chamber of Commerce. Alexa produces the following Web-wide rankings for some key Internet portals where the rest of the world can come Discover the Unexpected™ (remember, the smaller the number, the better the ranking):

  1. MadisonDailyLeader.com: 10,705,531
  2. KJAMRadio.com: 9,888,365
  3. City of Madison official government site: 9,353,765
  4. MadisonSD.com (chamber promotional website): 7,532,355
  5. Madville Times: 2,576,119

The City, the Chamber, and the Leader still kick my butt on Google search results. So folks just browsing around will bump into the official organs of the community before they reach the Madville Times. And all of these Madison-based websites are very small potatoes bobbing in a very small pot of local stew. (Compare Dakota War College's ranking of 566,352 -- I'm coming for you, PP! Oh, and KELOLand.com, probably the busiest website in the state, is at 99,920.)

But when it comes to people consistently checking in on our fair community, the Alexa numbers suggest that online, the Madville Times is the loudest voice of Madison. And all with a staff of one, no budget, and no formal web training. Vive la révolution numéric!


  1. Good for you Cory! I don't understand one bit of it, or how smaller numbers are better, but I trust your research. That's what separates your forum from the others listed. You dig deep and find sources of legitimate info. The other local news sources use fluff-stuff and think they're making our lives better giving us more near-nothing. I just wish more people would express their opinions. Makes for great reading.

  2. Oh really?



  3. I'll catch PP, but never MattP. There will always be more people who want to read about smart money than about South Dakota. Keep up the good work, Matt!

  4. Oh, and thanks, Anon! It's nice to know I can actually serve the public good while having all this fun. :-)

  5. I wonder if Anon knows where you get a lot of your sources... MDL and KJAM, anyone?


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