
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Madville Times Prophetic? Or Sibby Predictably Paranoid?

A Christmas/Solstice offer from Cory Heidelberger to Steve Sibson...

Madville Times, 2007.12.23, 08:59 CST:

Sibby will see globalists under the bed here, but Aderhold and the district get it: foreign language training is good for brains and for bucks. When kids study a second language, they get better in their first language. They also have that many more people (in the case of Chinese, over a billion more people) to whom they can say "Let's make a deal."

Sibby Online, 2007.12.23, 16:57 CST:

The Argus Leader provides us with another example of public education promoting the religion of humanism....

The "international citizens" are verses [sic] "American Citizens" and [for] establishment of a one-world government. That is included among the 6 beliefs of humans [humanists?] spelled out by Howse... (Atheism, Moral Relativism, Evolution, Socialism, Autonomous self-centered man, one-world government).

Mr. Sibson, if you ever need a vacation, I humbly offer my services to ghost-blog for you. I think I've got the formula down: cite innocuous news story about seemingly sensible policy, connect to vast globalist conspiracy, mention evil secular humanists, keep faithful readers terrified of the ubiquitous threats to Christian America. Heck, it's so simple, I could write software that writes the posts for me!

I know, Sibby, I'm a member of the secular humanist evolutionist cabal, so you can't trust me any further than you can throw me. But I promise, I'll do a good job. Take a couple weeks off, leave me your password... no one will ever know the difference. Guaranteed.


  1. I, for one, welcome our new world order kindergarten overlords.
    joe "Make potty, not War" nelson

  2. Cory -

    Thanks for taking the hillbilly's attention off of my wife. I'm sure in time, he'll turn his attention back to her, or my kids, should she prove to be too difficult a target as she maps out a strategy of ignoring someone she's never heard of.

    Now she has the opportunity to enjoy life, untroubled and sibby free, if but for the moment.

    At least that's what I think - when I questioned her about it, she asked me "who is that, and what is a secular humanist? What is he talking about?"

    In response to your rhetorical question, I suspect one source of Sibby's paranoia may be from his support of legalizing marijuana. I hear it can do that to people.

    Or the prince of the ozarks might be off his rocker. I'm not sure.



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