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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Dakota War College Becomes Dakota Welfare Queen

Remember the old days when the greatest danger facing our nation was the evil Welfare Queen, the poor, usually black woman living in the inner city, not working, having babies just to get a bigger check from the government? Where'd she go?

Oops, found her: alive and well and living high off the nanny-state hog in Brookings:

Sweet! I am so buying groceries when I get that check.

By PP at the SDWC | January 24, 2008

Check out the latest on the economic stimulus and incentive plan coming out of DC. With 7 kids, I am going to make out like a bandit... [read more on the numbers]

$300 bucks a child... O.K., I'm convinced. When the nanny state can make even the mighty Dakota War College jump for joy and head to Sam's Club to join the orgy of consumerism, it's time to abolish every form of government all the way down to tribal councils and save our souls from the corrupting influence of big government.

Dang -- Mrs. Madville Times and I have only one child. But I hear it might take the IRS a while to print those checks. Maybe if the feds would hold off on those checks for a year, they'd stimulate more than GDP....

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