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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Delightful, Democratic, and Nowhere Near Official: The Madville Times District 8 Caucus!

Hey, quick! While Russ, Dan, and Dave are all off in Pierre, let's have a caucus and see who should replace 'em!

Welcome to the first ever Madville Times District 8 Caucus, where you can nominate your favorite resident of Sanborn, Miner, Lake, and Moody Counties for the esteemed position of District 8 Senator or Representative to the South Dakota Legislature.

Who can participate? Republicans, Democrats, Independents... pretty much anyone in the District (no proof of residency necessary -- honor system, kids!).

How do you participate? Just click on the comment link and submit the names of folks you'd like to see serving as your District 8 State Senator and Representatives. Go ahead and argue for them -- tell us why your choices would be great legislators for District 8. You don't have to include your name, but it might be fun to include your party affiliation, just to see which way the parties are leaning.

Whom can you nominate? You can nominate one person for Senate and two for the House. Article 3 of the state constitution says they have to be 21, US citizens, and SD residents for at least two years. They also have to live in the district (this is the Legislature, not the Heartland Consumer Power District board). And yes, you can nominate yourself. (Russ, Dan, Dave -- care to give the Madville Times a scoop on your intentions? ;-) )

How much impact will the Madville Times District 8 caucus have? Probably darn little, but that's o.k. -- it should be a fun conversation!

To get the ball rolling, here's the Madville Times District 8 Dream Team, biased not by party but by hometown affiliation (I could vote for an incumbent or two, but at the moment, I'm in a throw-the-rascals-out mood):
  1. Senate: James "Doc" Miller, theater director, Madison High School. Politics is theater, and Doc knows theater. The speeches would be spectacular! And seriously, when the state spends half of its budget on education, wouldn't it be a good idea to have some actual educators involved in the legislative process?
  2. House: Brett Kearin, DSU student. As a budding entrepreneur, Kearin knows firsthand the challenges that entrepreneurs face in making their hometown dreams come true in South Dakota.
  3. House: DeLon Mork, owner, Madison Dairy Queen. So Russ's outfit, Heartland, bought all the legisltors personalized mugs as welcome-back swag? Nuts to that. DeLon would get them all Blizzards! They'd appoint him chair of all the important committees.
There are my picks... open to discussion and change. The caucus remains open through March 25, the last day to file primary election nominating petitions. I'll post running totals in the sidebar as time permits. So declare your loyalties! Submit your nominations!


  1. How about Dan Bohl taking on Dave Gassman? Dan is outspoken and educated on current issues and is retired, so he has the time. Jerry Johnson would be wonderful as a legislator too with Sutton term-limited out of the Senate.

  2. Back to the rules, David: this caucus is just for District House and Senate. Jud will have to wait until 2010 to go against the Daugaard money machine.

  3. I nominate me for anything and everything. Hey, I couldn't do any worse than those other yahoos in office!

    Hey, that's my new campaign slogan... "He can't do any worse than those other yahoos in office!"

  4. Dan Bohl 'cause he never met a proposal he didn't like!

  5. Sewage for Industry!
    Sewage for Defense!

  6. Cory Heidelberger Jingleheimer Schmidt for Sewage Poobah!

  7. Thanks, Todd, but I already have that job. :-)

  8. DeLon Mork has been a great businessman in the city of Madison. He has helped numerous highschool and college aged kids get thier educations, while helping them with flexible schdules. He runs a very honnorable and succesfull business and can help District 8 with his knowledge and professionalism.

    Dan Bohl is another man with a wonderful educational background. He has helped many youth in the Chester area achieve great success. He did this while living in Madison, but continued to serve the smaller school district. I am sure he could have made more money by working for Madison Central but chose to retire in Chester. Dan has also been a astute leader while serving the citizens of Madison on the city commission.

  9. DAN BOHL! He would be a great advocate for K-12 Education being a former teacher and coach. DAN'S OUR MAN...DAN'S OUR MAN!

  10. Hillary Clinton. She'll be looking for a new gig after her losses today in the primaries.

  11. Oh, sorry, not a District 8 resident. Call us parochial, but we're a little less tolerant of carpetbaggers than New Yorkers are.


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