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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Experience: Clinton, Obama, or Kucinich?

I quote with glee this conclusion to a Timothy Noah essay on Slate.com:

Clinton's claim to superior experience isn't merely dishonest. It's also potentially dangerous should she become the nominee. If Clinton continues to build her campaign on the dubious foundation of government experience, it shouldn't be very difficult for her GOP opponent to pull that edifice down. That's especially true if a certain white-haired senator now serving his 25th year in Congress (four in the House and 21 in the Senate) wins the nomination. McCain could easily make Hillary look like an absolute fraud who is no more truthful about her depth of government experience than she is about why her mother named her "Hillary." Dennis Kucinich has more government experience than Clinton. (He also has a better health-care plan, but we'll save that for another day.) If Clinton doesn't find a new theme soon, she won't just be cutting Obama's throat. She'll also be cutting her own [Timothy Noah, "Hillary's 'Experience' Lie," Slate.com, 2008.01.14].

You want experience, not to mention real universal health care? See through the smokescreen -- vote for Dennis!
Now if I could just get the


  1. Real universal heath care from the only Democratic candidate that doesn't offer it to his own staff? Kucinich at his best...

  2. Oh, Bob, Dennis is just like all the small businesses that can't afford health insurance for their workers. He'd love to provide the coverage, but he can't afford it! I'll wager his volunteers recognize that.

  3. I'm not talking volunteers, his paid staffers are the only ones on the Democratic side that don't have the option, heck even Giuliani who can't afford to pay his staffers gives them health insurance.

  4. Well, you've got me there, Bob. Kucinich just doesn't have the budget to put his money where his mouth is. May we plead poverty instead of hypocrisy?


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