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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Kucinich Kingmaker -- Obama Winning Iowa

Obama's lead in Iowa is widening, and media are calling him the victor. And who does Obama have to thank? Our man Dennis Kucinich, who urged his supporters to make Obama their second choice in case Dennis didn't make the cut in the first round of caucus voting. Hey, Barack, who loves ya, baby?

O.K., o.k., Richardson's supporters might have helped too. Maybe.

But don't think I'm taking down my Dennis colors. When people see Hillary can be beat and the race is only beginning... whoo-hoo! Just wait for the Dennis Kucinich New Hampshire surge!


  1. are u kiddin' me????? all 10 of the hippie iowa state kids supporting Kucinich made the difference????

    i'll definitly take what you are smokin'!!!!

    kucinich is toast...start sporting your Obama shirt and put up a hope banner

  2. I've got plenty of hope, "matt" -- hope that Obama will agree to be Kucinich's running mate!


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