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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

KJAM Polls: From Guns to Roses

With the guns-on-campus bill now dead (mostly dead -- the session ain't over 'til it's over), KJAM has switched its online poll. Final numbers on KJAM's guns-on-campus poll:

Do you think allowing guns on College Campuses makes them safer?
  • 95--NO
  • 32--Yes
  • 4-undecided

The new KJAM poll -- "How much do you plan to spend on that special someone?" -- actually excludes some voters by not providing a "Zero" option. As I wrote to interim KJAM news director Matt Groce, "some of us radicals reject the commercialization of love and spend $0 on the designated day of heart-shaped-pizza, blood-diamond, guilt-absolved-through-consumerism madness." The Groce household reports plans for a relatively cost-free Valentine's festivities of Bible study and passionate Nerf baseball with the little one.

And hey, all you last-minute shoppers, don't forget: nookie is still free. Vive l'amour! ;-)


  1. So KJAM has 131 listeners. Wow.

    No, wait, that's not right. It has 131 listeners with Internet access who listen close enough to know they have a poll. A lot can be inferred from a scientific poll like that.

  2. Yeah, just like that completely unscientific collection of citizens who came to the Madison crackerbarrel Saturday and expressed unanimous opposition to HB 1261.

  3. Nookie has never been free! Who are you trying to kid? Cory, if you want to inexpensively impress your better-looking half, being the prolific writer that you are, write love notes on Post-Its and strategically place them throughout your home where your spouse will see your tender thoughts of love and appeciation. No cost, but lots of potential benefits!

  4. We got stuck in a snowbank and didn't make it to the Madison crackerbarrel so went to the Howard one in the afternoon instead. There, the consensus was in favor of HB 1261.

    I doubt that many kids in college carry guns anyway. But heaven forbid if something were to happen like did at Virginia Tech, it would be nice to know that there might be someone on the campus that could prevent the carnage before 30 or so people were killed.


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