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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Roadkill Always Good for a Laugh, Even in Legislature

I could scold the Legislature for joking around when there's so much unfinished business, but even our elected officials deserve a good laugh. Jeremy Fugleberg, the man powering the Watertown Public Opinion's Newsmonger blog, catches this bit of wit on the AP wire from Senator Nancy Turbak Berry (D-5/Watertown):

Sen. Nancy Turbak Berry, D-Watertown, wondered what would happen if the Senate simply killed the roadkill bill.

“If we kill it, do we just leave it lie here?” she asked, drawing guffaws from her colleagues.

Roadkill -- always good for a laugh. Now back to those funding bills....

1 comment:

  1. You may call it roadkill, but back in college, we called it "LUNCH!"

    Man, I'm on a roll tonight!


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