
Sunday, February 24, 2008

Viva Obama, Viva YouTube

I suppose I exhibit some latent ethnocentric insensitivity in finding the following Obama video funny. Obama mariachi style strikes me as just a little cheesy. But it's still a blast to have YouTube to bring us the kinds of videos that would never play on KELO or in the national media. I admire artists who will put on big hats, walk down the street, and sing their political convictions with complete sincerity. And those folks with the signs singing "Viva Obama" -- who says they're cheesy? They look like they mean it. (Steve Sibson and my other conservative friends, feel free to comb the video frame by frame for Che posters):

No time this morning for a dissertation on the New Media, image and substance, and production values. But for those of you looking to do some media critique this lazy Sunday, here's a more well-known musical take on the Obama campaign, the DipDive video. Enjoy!

Update 14:25: A reader alerts me to an apparent YouTube outage. Must have been swamped with Madville Times traffic. Sorry about that!


  1. no YouTube links, Cory

  2. Sorry about that! YouTube is apparently experiencing technical difficulties. One commenter suggests someone is hijacking YouTube's IP. Perhaps it's the Clinton campaign's latest strategy....

  3. Now streaming all your favorite Obama songs right in your browser...


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