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Monday, March 10, 2008

Kirby Not Running for Senate...

...now back to the actual candidates.

Dakota War College posts Steve Kirby's announcement that all the stalking was for nothing:

March 10, 2008 – Sioux Falls, SD – Steve Kirby issued the following statement today: “My family and I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support and encouragement from many of our South Dakota friends in recent weeks as I have considered a bid for the United States Senate”.

“Suzie and I want to thank all of our friends who have done so much to support us during this time of decision. I have decided, however, not to seek the 2008 GOP nomination for the United States Senate at this time.”

Daily Kos will have to retool his zombie rhetoric to fit Dykstra, Kephart, and Tollefson (hey, Bert! Where's the website?).


  1. Cory... I'm laughing my butt off right now because Badlands and Kos just made idiots of themselves-AGAIN! It turns out Kirby is the one getting the last laugh!

  2. Here's an ethical question for you and your readers. I opened my mail Friday and much to my surprise was a four-page color newsletter from Senator Tim Johnson. Since it is a campaign year with the election just around the corner, I did a little investigating.

    At the bottom of this Tim Johnson brochure are the words "Prepared, Published and Mailed at Taxpayer Expense". Also, on the back of the Johnson brochure is Tim Johnson's signature where normally there would be postage from the campaign committee or something.

    I understand this is considered "franked mail" that Senators and Representatives can send out, at no cost to themselves, with taxpayers paying 100% of all printing, preparation and postage costs.

    It seems this would be a highly questionable election-year tactic considering the campaign itself has millions of dollars to spend pushing Senator Johnson's agenda and his Hometown Prosperity Plan.

    Maybe they all do it, but it just seems almost unethical to be using the taxpayer's money to pay for something that sure looks like a campaign brochure in the same year a Senator is seeking re-election.

    Perhaps they should pass legislation restricting the use of "franked mail" in an election year since it gives an incumbent a wide advantage and free publicity at taxpayer expense. What is your opinion?

  3. There already are restrictions on franked mail, and any mail of that sort sent out by a member of congress has to be vetted by the ethics committee before it is sent to verify that it is non-partisan. Also, office holders are not allowed to send any mail of that sort for a period of time prior to an election...I think maybe 60 days?

  4. I seriously doubt that Kirby is getting the last laugh, since he won't be ending up with any senate seat. Also, you may not like Kos or Badlands (they're not my favorite bloggers either--Cory is of course!) but if their attacks are what kept Kirby out of the race--and it certainly seems plausible--then what does that say about the resolve of Kirby, or the power wielded by said bloggers? They may say plenty of dumb things, but I wouldn't mistake them for fools.

  5. You know what... any sane person would be crazy to go out for public office when you have yahoos like that attacking you... and you haven't even made your decision to run, yet!

    Funny. I thought the Democrats were supposed to be a party of ideas, not character assassination. But when these morons take things out of context and involve themselves in bouts of sophomoric behavior that would make Tip O'Neal spin in his grave, it gives you guys a big honkin' black eye.

  6. This is going to come back to haunt Johnson. So far he's had the empathy of most of the people of SD, but after this stunt, that is out the window. The questionably legal behavior of his staffers/hirelings, whatever, have seriously damaged his previous nice guy image. I think it also demonstrates the weakness of Johnson himself as a candidate. Keep it up guys, and you just might sink Johnson's ship before it leaves the harbor.


  7. In this case, I can't argue with jackrabit1 and nonnie. Johnson's staff have just declared everything fair game. Republicans can now attack Johnson's health (and anything else) all they want, and Johnson's people have no authority to complain. So much for the moral high ground.


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