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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Sky Is Fall-- Oh, Wait, It's Just the Lightpoles

Someone's getting called to the superintendent's office on this one, and it's not the kids. According to KJAM, Superintendent Vince Schaefer reported to the Madison Central School Board Monday night that all of the lightpoles in the elementary school parking lot have been taken down. Well, not all of them: a few have already fallen down on their own.

The cause? Soccer mom road rage? Kickball gone crazy? Nope: last night's print MDL says it was wind vibration. Someone engineered lightpoles that couldn't withstand a year and a half of South Dakota wind. Oops.

Supt. Schaefer says the district is looking into "legal options to recover the cost of the lights" [KJAM]. Maybe we can get a nice settlement from the contractor and invest in some solar-charging lights.

In the meantime, if you're coming to the elementary for an evening event, bring your flashlight. Better that than a hardhat!


  1. I guess I can park a little closer to the school now when I go up there for "Reading Rocks!" and not worry about my car becoming a pancake!

  2. Were the light poles made in China?

  3. Well, they're all tipped over, so it should be pretty easy to look at the label on the bottom and find out.

  4. Are they made of aluminum? Maybe we can recycle them and double our money.


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