
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dumb Luck Picks Delzer for Madison City Commission

KJAM gets the scoop: Scott Delzer won the cut of the cards this morning. As reported earlier, this weekend's recount resulted in one more ballot for Delzer, tying him with previously presumed second-place finisher Monica Campbell. City Finance Officer Jeff Heinemeyer thus carried out state law by breaking out the cards this morning at City Hall and having the candidates cut. The final election result:

  1. Scott Delzer: King of Hearts.
  2. Monica Campbell: Jack of Clubs.

Election by dumb luck -- it just doesn't feel good. The more I think about it, the more I'd like to see the law changed to allow a run-off caucus in case of a tie. If there are just two candidates on the ballot, maybe we can genuinely conclude that voters are fine with either choice and running a revote would cost more than it's worth. But a pick-two, four-candidate ballot creates a different calculus. A run-off between just 2nd and 3rd would have been a very different choice from the original ballot. I offer no prediction or preference for how such a vote would have gone, but it would have been a better read of the public will than a random draw.

Besides it's a shame to tell a thousand voters, "Thanks for voting, but it didn't really matter." Let's dump the random tie-breaker rule and give folks just that much more voice in local government.


  1. Although I understand that party affiliation is not supposed to be an issue in local elections, I wonder if the headline would have been different if Ms. Campbell would have won. It would appear she is more closely matched to the Times political persuasion and I am sure the author of this "story" (and I use that term very loosely) would understand that. Just a question.

  2. Wouldn't a new election cost everyone more money? I think the average voter can understand the game of chance in a tie. Besides, I had a Prof up at SDSU say that if you voted for person who didn't win, your vote didn't really count anyway.

  3. Anon: It's all hypothetical, but the headline would apply regardless of the outcome. We just picked a government official by dumb luck. Partisanship? Where? I know Scott's GOP, but what's Monica's party?

    Christine: I agree, firing up the ballot-counting machines again would cost money. That's why I recommend a run-off caucus. Call a community meeting, invite everyone, do a show of hands. Heck, the city could even make it a community picnic, serve hot dogs, like last year! It would be fun... and it would be people choosing, not two decks of cards.

  4. The better story would be who DID and DIDN'T vote for each candidate. Did Monica's children either vote or absentee vote in the election? How about the in-laws? There's a couple of potential tilting votes. Did the folks at Credit Soup all vote which may favor Scott Delzer?

    With such low turnout, you know there are some stones that could have been turned over to alter the results either way.

    Nobody gets an "E" for effort from April 8th. Although, both candidates will have wonderful stories for their grandchildren.


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