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Friday, April 18, 2008

Dykstra in Madison for GOP Dinner

Oh man! I should have bought a ticket to the Lake County Lincoln Dinner: KJAM reports that State Representative and candidate for US Senate Joel Dykstra is coming to speak tonight! I suppose I could still get a ticket, run down to Radio Shack for a video camera, and show up at Nicky's to have a burger and videotape every word... but I'll save my money and leave that tactic to the Johnson campaign staff.


  1. Cory, It would be good for you to go to the Lincoln Day Dinner, hear some good speakers and stir up some of your old repressed Republican feelings from before you went to the Dark Side. If you decide to go tonight I'll pay for your ticket. Just show up and it will be taken care of.

  2. Cory, when Joe and I move back to SD someday, can we have your free tickets?

  3. Not mine to give away, Christine, but when you move back, I'm sure the local GOP will welcome your intelligence and enthusiasm for the cause.

    And Anon, thank you for the offer, but I already have meatballs on the menu -- spaghetti and homemade meatballs! Yum! You Republicans have fun tonight... and send me a report on Dykstra's speech!

  4. Cory,
    Just wanted to put a little clarification up. I work for Badlands Blue and the Democratic Party. I go to as many events as I can from both sides and just report what I see. So if you hear about any events let me know at Tyler@badlandsblue.com

  5. Cory you aren't going to miss much with the presence of Dykstra. He is a fake and not the suitable person for the job. Save your money!!

  6. Tyler: "just report what I see" -- come on. If our Dem dollars are paying for your blogging and trips around the state (and your video camera?), you can at least be honest with us. You're our propaganda man, which is fine -- just be honest about it.

  7. for the record, any Senate campaign worth its salt has a "tracker"--someone to tape appearances of the rival candidate in case they say something unappealing that would make a good tv ad. There's nothing particularly dark or evil about it--I'd say "Macaca" revealed quite a bit about George Allen's character, and I'm glad it was exposed.


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