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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Madison Goes Florida: Delzer Calls for Recount!

Scott Delzer, who missed out on a seat on the Madison City Commission by one vote April 8, has called for a recount. Hooray for electoral fun! Delzer and winners Dick Ericsson and Monica Campbell each get to send one representative to constitute a recount board, which will meet this Saturday at the city commission room to go through the ballots. (Curious -- why doesn't fourth-place Kelli Brown get to be part of the show?). KJAM reports that the recount board can choose to set a date to run the ballots through the counting machine again, but I say nuts to that. if I had lost by one vote, I would want to put my hands and eyes on every ballot. The machine had its chance and came up with 507-506 the first time. Let's recount by a different method: put the eyeballs to it and get it done Saturday.


  1. The two winners, and anyone who close enough to ask for a recount get to choose one person. Brown could not have asked for a recount so she is not included.

  2. In a visual recount, is a ballot that has markings outside the circle considered spoiled or do they consider the "intent" of the voter when marking their ballots?

  3. The three person board is more or less a jury, they can do (almost) what ever they want. All they need is a two to one vote on any issue.


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