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Thursday, April 3, 2008

Malapropism (and Witty Riposte!) of the Day

In discussing his relationship with Steve Sibson, Pat Powers conlcudes with the following stirring call for party unity:

But at the end of the day, we know that being committed to principals of open government, and conservative values, Republicans can hold off a Democratic challenge to the Senate, at the same time we’re winning seats [Pat Powers, "'I Am Not Going Down That Road in 2008' -- Is Sibby Out?" Dakota War College, 2008.04.02].

Before I could dust off my English-teacher scold cap, Nicholas Nemec sent PP this politically rich response:

I wish Mike Rounds were one of those Republicans committed to the principles of open government. Unfortunately He is one of those Republicans openly committed to the principals of the government.

There's a splendid pun that works only on paper.


  1. Not bad for a Mathematics major.

  2. Did I say I was speaking for everyone? I can only speak to my own beliefs.

    (Or rats - is that another $5 in kind...)

  3. Pat:

    You're way over valuing your Senate related posts. More like 2 cents.

    I'm just sayin'.


  4. Since there's no limit to the amount an individual can contribute to his own campaign, just value each post at $1000 and set a record for campaign spending!

    Or maybe we should form an independent online auditing group to assign value to each post. Non-candidates (Epp, Ross, Sibson, Blanchard) assign value based on style, lucidity, creativity, and effectiveness. (Nemec gets a perfect 10 this morning!)


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