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Sunday, April 13, 2008

Obama's Straight Talk Better Against McCain

More on Obama's alleged "elitism":

I just heard the ABC News reporter refer to Clinton's opportunistic pandering to the supposedly slighted working class as a rather absurd spectacle of a Yale-educated multimillionaire lawyer labeling a Harvard-educated slightly less wealthy lawyer an "elitist."

Harvard political scientist Theda Skocpol seconds that emotion:

I have been in meetings with the Clintons and their advisors where very clinical things were said in a very-detached tone about unwillingness of working class voters to trust government -- and Bill Clinton -- and about their unfortunate (from a Clinton perspective) proclivity to vote on life-style rather than economic issues. To see Hillary going absolutely over the top to smash Obama for making clearly more humanly sympathetic observations in this vein, is just amazing. Even more so to see her pretending to be a gun-toting non-elite. Give us a break!

...Yes, she wants a big break, she desperately wants the nomination she and Bill believe is hers by right. We all know that. But where is her authenticity and her dignity and her sense of any proportion? [posted by Josh Marshall, "For It, Before She Was Against It," Talking Points Memo, 2008.04.13]

Give us a break, indeed. Obama has the courage to say what he means and take his licks for it. Clinton jumps at any spin opportunity as eagerly as the right-wingnuts, regardless of what she might believe. Fellow Dems, which kind of politician do you want to take on John McCain in the fall?


  1. Okay, I know this is a "liberal" Web site and I am a (fiscal) conservative. But I can't resist jumping in here and saying that you are right on about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    Obama is a cool guy. I've checked out his Web site as well as heard him talk. As a Republican I'm about a millimeter away from favoring him over John McCain.

    I suspect there will be lots of "Obama Republicans" in November, but not many "Clinton Republicans."

    But take note: Old Republicans die hard. It's one thing to blog here, and quite another to actually poke out that hanging chad.

  2. Stan, that Obama can get you to even think about voting Dem is one reasno for us Dems to nominate him. Any race will have its spin doctors, but a race between McCain and Obama would provoke more thought, more intelligent and adult conversation than a McCain-Clinton race.


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