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Friday, April 11, 2008

SD Legislature Web Site Updates

The Legislative Research Council is giving the South Dakota Legislature website a facelift. The new format popped up briefly last week, then relapsed back to the old standard. But today the LRC has notified its MyLRC subscribers that the new layout is ready for the public. So far, only the front page bears the new look, but the LRC notice says we can expect the new layout "to spread throughout the site over the summer"... kind of like corn smut.

Just kidding. The front page looks nice. Compare the old look (courtesy the Yahoo cache):

...with the new front page:

Say what you will about the Trebuchet MS and Tahoma fonts; I say any move away from Arial is a step in the right direction.

The revision thus far appears solely cosmetic -- I'm not seeing RSS feeds or any increased functionality coming. But maybe our friends in Pierre have some summer goodies in store for us. Let's hope so!

And while we're on the subject, I'm building a survey right now on the LRC website and the use of the Internet in government here in South Dakota. I have a couple more widgets to tinker with, but the survey should be ready for our legislators and all you faithful readers shortly. Tell your friends, and stay tuned for your chance to participate in science!

1 comment:

  1. It looks nice, but nothing of the quailty created by Matthew Paulson Consulting ;)


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