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Friday, June 27, 2008

Nelson Throws out Eminent Domain Referral; SB 174 Stands

Jeremiah M. Murphy of the Protect Private Property organization sends bad news for property rights: Secretary of State Chris Nelson has determined that the petitions submitted last week to refer Senate Bill 174 to a public vote did not contain enough valid signatures. Therefore, the law takes effect July 1, giving the DM&E and railroad companies more power to take your land through eminent domain.

Well, if they have this extra power, it would sure be nice of the railroads to start using it for a public purpose, like building some commuter rail across the state....


  1. That would be sweet. Get a commuter train to Sioux Falls. I would buy a ticket!

  2. That would be fun, pennyp! On a day with a good south summer breeze, I could ride the train down to Sioux Falls, then ride my bike back. Whoosh!


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