
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Stricherz for House? Don't Mention Secular Humanism

Looks like I've already managed to get District 8 House candidate Patty Stricherz's goat... and I wasn't even trying! Last Sunday, I gave the Republican more free (and complimentary) press than she's gotten all year from the mainstream media. Heck, I even put her on KELO.

And then this morning she (or at least someone logging in with her name) leaves me this midnight comment:

Mr. Heidelberger

I take great offense to your "secular humanist" comment.

By saying that you,are implying that my morals and values are without God.

How dare you even joke about something like that. My spiritual relationship is of great importance to me and I do not sit well with anyone talking with such disrespect! [Patty Stricherz, comment, 2008.06.01 00:51]

What the heck did I write? I suggested she sounded like a Democrat, but an atheist? Did I mistype? I page through the files and find what appears to be the offending text, where I quoted her daughter and then offered an observation of my own:

...she believes that education is vital for our children and would like to see more Masters programs in the state (ed: don't let Sibby hear that: he'll think Stricherz is trying to create more secular humanists...)

[CAH, "Patricia Stricherz: Testing the Republican Big Tent?" Madville Times, 2008.05.25]

So much for the big tent.

Now did I say I was questioning Ms. Stricherz's values? Did I impute secular humanism to anyone? (And what's wrong with secular humanism anyway, Ms. Stricherz?*)

Sounds like Ms. Stricherz and Mr. Sibson may have more in common that I thought. Hey Pat, how would you like to share a desk with her?

It's going to be a fun campaign. Stay tuned for more secular humanist humor and reporting!

*In case you don't recognize it, that's comment bait. ;-)


  1. After Obama said rural voters cling to guns and religion out of bitterness, I don’t see why anyone in Montana would vote for him. (He also co-sponsored a bill to limit gun purchases on Oct. 2007--one of the few things he actually did in the Senate besides show up for pictures--and came out in favor of localities being able to ban guns altogether in February of 2008).
    in his effort

    Besides, how much does anyone really know about Obama--besides the fact that he is silver-tongued and chose to belong to an Anti-American, racist church for more than 20 years? How can we pick someone to be president based only on a nice smile, a silver tongue, and vague promises of “change?” “Change” means different things to different people, and he seems to be vaguely promising it all to everyone.

    Last Thursday Anderson Cooper showed how ruthless Obama was in his effort to become a state senator, asked why the media had failed to investigate Obama, and wondered what else there was that the public doesn’t know about him. Apparently no one will know until it’s too late.

    Had the biased media and DNC bigwigs told the truth about Obama AND HIS ANTI-AMERICAN PAST --- BEFORE over half of America had voted — Obama would not be in this race.

    Pelosi, Dean, Reid, Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards and Obama, along with many other big-wig Dems are corrupting the Democratic Party.

    It appears that the DNC is setting a new precedent:


    In Michigan, Barack Hussein Obama removed his name from the ballot, own choice, own reason, but hey…. That don’t matter because he is getting delegates and votes from the DNC who think it is fair to give him some even though he did not represent himself.

    The morons who voted for this … Must be FIRED!!!!

    We the people will vote AGAINST the corrupt DNC in November. If Obama is the nominee We will never vote for him. Our votes go to Sen. Clinton OR Sen. McCain, both are American patriots.

    A landslide loss for the DNC in November will teach the bastards a lesson about counting votes, and honoring the votes of the people. If they won’t listen to us — we won’t listen to them — vote them out of office as soon as possible.




  2. Hey, 4America -- did you read the post? Try staying on topic, or I might have to edit/move/remove the comment as un-aimed spam.

    Oh, and by the way, if you think Obama is "ruthless," have you ever studied the Clintons?

  3. Some people are born with a serious affliction called "humor deficiency syndrome" also know as "stickus uppus buttus".

    If she can't see the meaning behind what you were writing, then she's pretty dense. For having a Dell Rapids address and being a graduate of DRHS, based on her rush to judgment, she is neither an alumna of my alma mater or that of St. Mary's. Must be an import.

  4. Hahahaha! I didn't graduate from DRHS.....I graduated from BHS (Honor Student)....I am not dense......I have a great sense of humor.....can't wait to meet sibby......yes I am a transplant...born in Iowa ( watch the jokes) and I knew a little controversy would get my name out there........Secular the way.... is a humanist ideology that endorses reason, ethics, and justice, and specifically rejects the spectral forms of religion. Calm down Madville...just messing with ya! Took a semester or two of Theology.
    Patricia Stricherz

  5. Oh my -- looks like I'm the one who can't pick up a joke! My apologies, Ms. Stricherz, for not detecting the <sarcasm> tags around your comment! The coming election only looks interestinger and interestinger... though if you mean what you say this time, Sibby's going to be as hard on you as PP's going to be on my neighbor Gerry.

    Come talk theology with my wife sometime -- year of theology, now entering ordination... you two might hit it off!


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