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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Striking Oil Isn't All Bad

O.K., o.k., I won't begrudge these millionaires their oil strike. Oscar and Lorene Stohler of Beulah, North Dakota, are among the nouveau petro-riche Professor Schaff mentioned earlier this week. Oscar was raised in a sod house. He and Lorene grew up in the Dirty Thirties, put their four kids through college... and now, thanks to oil found two miles under their ranch, they can enjoy the rest of their lives with no financial worries.

Not that wealth is going to their heads:Oscar and Lorene Stohler, oil millionaires, Beulah, ND. Photo from James MacPherson, Associated Press, 2008.06.24

The couple moved a few miles east to Beulah and paid cash for their new home, the first one they have owned. They have established trust accounts for their four children.

Lorene said the only thriftless purchase was an automatic sprinkler system for her flowers that surround the couple's new home. And Oscar bought a $1,000 ring for his wife to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary.

"We got enough now to buy new stuff," Lorene said, "but we like our old stuff." [James MacPherson, "Oil Is Making Millionaires in North Dakota," AP via Yahoo News, 2008.06.30]

Before I get all misty... congrats to the Stohlers for striking it rich, and for and keeping their fiscal wits about them.

p.s.: Oil joke of the morning comes from the Capitol Steps promo for their July 4th public radio special: With oil now over $140 a barrel, George W. Bush has a plan to stop those rising prices. He's going to order smaller barrels.


  1. If I had oil underneath my land.. I would say pump a way and show me the $$$. Then I would do ALL shopping in my local and stimulate Madisons economy!

    It's amazing to me how everyone blames everyone else, but noone wants to help out the situation. Personally, I feel this is financial terrorism. If we can sustain our oil addition by finding the liquid gold under our own property, then why not.

  2. "We got enough now to buy new stuff, but we like our old stuff."

    I love it!

  3. For some reason I can't get the theme of the "Beverly Hillbillies" out of my head...


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