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Thursday, August 28, 2008

Denver Police Go Chinese on Press, Arrest Reporter

(Hat tip to Sibby!)

Denver police arrested ABC producer Asa Eslocker yesterday as he and a camera crew gathered footage for a report on wealthy donors and the Democratic party. The Brown Palace Hotel, where Democratic Senators were meeting with top donors, called the cops to complain about those darn reporters outside, and the cops came thundering in to break up those dangerous First Amendment devotés.

Evidently in Denver, standing on a sidewalk taking pictures is "trespass, interference, and failure to follow a lawful order."

Push a reporter into the street, grab him by the throat... that's China, not America. The Denver police should be ashamed of themselves.

1 comment:

  1. You can contact the Denver Major and City Council. Details are here:


    If you find this objectionable, tell them.


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