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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama, the New Reagan

(Hat tip to Andrew Sullivan)

Inexperienced Washington outsider, some say silver-tongued celebrity, beats ex-Navy officer in Presidential election... scary thought, isn't it?

"...I hope it will be recorded that I appealed
to our best hopes, not our worst fears,
to our confidence, rather than our doubts,
to the facts, not to fantasies...."
—Ronald Reagan


  1. haha!! Obama and Reagan do not have any similarities in policy. You have a better shot of comparing him to Jack Kennedy

  2. It IS a scary thought, and not because of Obama's race like he claims. It's because of his policies. But don't worry, it's not over till the fat lady sings, and she's nowhere ready to strike up a concert yet.

  3. Personally I feel great joy a person of color has come this far, even if I don't agree with all his ideas. He's inspirational, inclusive, and warm hearted. We need a leader who can show us what we can do together. There will be flaws. We all have them.

  4. love the YouTube clip. It is perfectly valid to point out that just because people faint at the glory of the deified one, it doesn't mean he isn't fully qualified to lead the way into a whole new era. I don't think he is just another rock star. He has grand ideas to lead our country into a new day. The difference is the results. It is the contrast between the neo-conservative republican revolution the oncoming progressive neo-marxist revolution.
    I just happen to prefer an old unimaginative political hack from Arizona in the white house over redesigning the presidential seal with a hammer and sickel.

  5. "Obama and Reagan do not have any similarities in policy."

    Reagan called the Soviet Union the 'evil empire' and yet he would sit down and talk with them.

    Obama suggests that we open up a dialouge with our enemies, and modern Republicans crap themselves, instead opting to stick with the 3 grade "I don't like you so I won't talk to you, and that will make everything better" solution.

  6. Good call, Braden! Besides, this video points out that the non-policy criticisms McCain is spitballing at Obama could just as easily have been lodged by Carter against Reagan, but the GOP loved Reagan. It just shows that the criticisms aren't logical or principled, just opportunistic hypocrisy by a Republican bankrupt of ideas and leadership.

  7. "I just happen to prefer an old unimaginative political hack from Arizona in the white house over redesigning the presidential seal with a hammer and sickel."

    More Republican fear mongering.

    The first time a Bush was in office, things went OK, but the economy tanked in '92. The economy boomed in the rest of the 90's under Clinton. And then another Bush came to office, and well, I don't think I have to explain how that went.

    There have been 19 Democratic presidents in US history, none of them have converted the country to communism, and the next one won't either.

    "opportunistic hypocrisy by a Republican bankrupt of ideas and leadership"

    Couldn't have put it better myself.

  8. The Democrat party of today is nowhere near what the Democrat party of yesteryear and past Dem presidents stood for. Sorry, but that argument doesn't cut it, Braden.

  9. Braden:
    None of the prior democratic presidents? I beg to differ.
    FDR and Lindon Johnson shoved this country down a socialistic path that we have never come back from, and both are responsible for the 2 greatest threats to the economic solvency this country faces. Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Roosevelt turned what might have been a hard correction with a brief recession into a decade long depression. Lydon Johnson's social spending was the root of crippling inflation of the 60s that was followed by a decade of stagflation only ending with a rejection of Keynesian economics replaced by Reagan's supply-side model.
    Don't dismiss me as a republican hack though. Reaganomics did no better in respect to controlling the threat of the economic bubbles that precipitate so many catastrophes, even if the one that developed under his watch didn't pop until Bush 41 was in office. Clinton enjoyed the recovery after the S&L collapse even though he didn't do anything whatsoever. He also didn't do anything about the larger bubble of the dot coms that blew up after he left office. I think GW Bush did well enough in his first term but most of his presidency was with Greenspan, the guy who failed under Clinton to stop the .com bubble. Now we not only have this void in economic policy of a method to deal with bubbles, but we also have an energy crisis, insolvent entitlement programs, a perpetually falling dollar, and the expense of a war (as necessary as it was) G.W. has failed to fix these things, and I doubt McCain will be much better. But Obama stands as the third leap ahead in creating a Progressive Nation. His policies will actually make every one of the problems I listed worse. My metaphor of hammer and sickle stands. If you think that is just fear mongering, you either don't know where Obama wants to take us, or you never knew what communism was all about in the first place.

  10. Obama's answer is to take from the haves and give to the have nots. Well, let me tell you that income redistribution won't work when the haves get tired of working both for themselves and for everyone else, both at home and on the planet (i.e. Obama's Global Poverty Act).

  11. blah blah blah....neither obama or mccain will do much.....our country is stuck in gridlock....and becomes more divided everyday....face it folks....doesn't matter who wins....they are both already bought and paid for by their respected special interest groups.....

  12. Oh come now, do you mean the esteemed and honorable Obama who promises a change and hope and a different kind of politics is really nothing more than the usual politician? I am shocked!!! I am speechless! I am wounded to the core!! Also am LOL!



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