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Friday, August 22, 2008

Obama to Name Herseth Sandlin VP

[begin sarcasm]

Top reasons why Senator Barack Obama is about to name South Dakota Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin as his vice-presidential running mate:
  1. Obama reaches out to the women's vote by picking a female running mate.
  2. Obama nods to Clinton supporters by picking a woman from a state that voted strongly for Clinton.
  3. Obama tweaks Clinton supporters (deep down, you know he wants to) by picking a woman who backed him over Clinton.
  4. Obama picks first pregnant vice-presidential running mate; moms vote en masse for him.
  5. Obama defuses any chance of bounce for McCain by picking popular Alaska mom-politician Sarah Palin as GOP VP.
  6. Obama plans anti-Cheney vice-presidency; he and Herseth Sandlin will win election, then he will run the show and leave VP to visit funerals and cast tie-breakers in Senate. That way, Herseth Sandlin can stay home and focus on her family, the way Chris Lien thinks she should.
Stay tuned to those cell phones, kids: text message from Obama HQ coming soon!

[end sarcasm]


  1. This is incorrect information. Obama selected Joe Biden.

  2. I guess even [sarcasm] tags don't help. ;-)


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