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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Patriarchical Insecurity So Shocking It Needs No Explanation

or, "You Know You've Run out of Good Arguments When..."

Sibby spins an argument so amusingly convoluted I would have to grant the possibility that Chris Lien might sprout a uterus to make sense of it.

But Sibby at least avoids the ad hominem against me... and my wife.

His pal Bob Ellis is not so honorable. Again, insisting on ascribing to his opponents characteristics that he wishes were true, and saying much more about himself than about my family, Bob offers this comment:

The more I read Cory's writings that touch on marriage, family and women, the more I become convinced that he may be something akin to what we used to call "henpecked."

In a healthy family, couples recognize that men and women are suited to different roles...but even if those roles are reversed, someone needs to provide more hands-on care for the children. They deserve to be treated better than pets.

Cory seems like an insecure male, possibly with a dominant-type female for a wife, and so he never misses an opportunity to pay the "proper homage" to feminine superiority in order to keep himself in the good graces of the boss. [Bob Ellis, comment on SibbyOnline, 2008.08.26 08:12].


  1. Wow...

    I haven't been reading your blog all that long, but all *I* get from your writings about marriage, family, and children, is that you guys seem nice...

  2. So THAT'S why I'm volunteering for the Shelter Music Festival... Erin strong-armed me into it!

    What a schmuck.

  3. Considering men with feminist partners have more stable relationships and greater sexual satisfaction, being 'henpecked' may not be a bad thing;)


  4. Cory, on the basis of what I sense from your blogs about the interaction between you and your wife (not that it's any of my business), you are not henpecked.

    I learned a new expression this morning besides P4P, for which I just finished writing a formal definition: ad hominem. From the online dictionary: "appealing to personal considerations (rather than to fact or reason)."

    I herewith offer a new term for general consideration: ad hominet. One may draw upon a wee bit of imagination to infer its possible meanings.

  5. Thanks, SueDoc!

    I haven't been married to Erin all that long (just six years), but she certainly seems nice. ;-)

  6. Behind every good man is a strong hen-pecking woman to give us focus and keep us in line. I know a lot of guys who don't even give their wives any credit or consideration, so if Cory believes in 50-50, terrific for he, Erin and their daughter. Even if you cling to the biblical concept of a woman submitting to her man, the smart man learns how to ensure every idea is her idea...

  7. I'm at a loss as to why you're even trying to engage Sibby or Bob Ellis in debate. They are part of the anti-intellectual domination of conservativatism ; itellect and learning are suspect to them. They aren't making arguments you can refute. They're posting conclusions. Sibby already knows that liberals are evil, that the media is liberal, that Tom Daschle is a hypocrite, and just as Bob Ellis knows that you aren't a real man. This isn't Perry Mason, where after clever questioning, the criminal confesses on the stand. There is nothing that you can say to these guys that will make them change their minds, and even worse, they don't get it. Sibby styles his blog as "search for truth" or some such, but when does Sibby ever say he's wrong? It is part of the great conservative mindsset of our time. The last time I listened to Rush Limbaugh was about 15 years ago, just flipping around the dial. And the guy was talking about Deadwood, which he put on the reservation, and called Kevin Costner, a self-described conservative, a Hollywood liberal. And that wasn't even all of his mistakes. You can rebut arguments, but you can't rebut conclusions especially when the other side is not amenable to facts. Pointing out to Ellis or Sibby that they have the facts wrong will not lead to them retracting a conclusion. They will either refuse to believe that their facts are wrong, or just assume other facts not in evidence.

  8. Spot on, Anon. But some of their statements at least have to be held up to the light, to remind people of exactly what you are saying.

  9. Cory, arguing with these dunderheads is like wrestling a greased pig. All it does is aggravate you and annoys the pig.

    BTW, I think Erin is just peachy.


  11. A neat person I used to work for said the best thing a person can do is set a good example. jh

  12. Sweet corn is questionable, but tomatoes are burgeoning. We'll bring you a bucket at Shelterfest!


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