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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Technical Notes: Change to Linux Goofs Up Links

My apologies, loyal readers: You may encounter a few broken links and missing images here on the Madville Times for the next few days. I store some images and documents at LakeHerman.org. To facilitate some Web tinkering, I just switched my hosting account from Windows to Linux. This is mostly a good thing, since I can install a lot more cool open source software on the server now...

...but the switch appears to have affected how that server deals with filenames. My hypothesis: under Linux hosting, case matters! For instance, my banner wasn't showing up. The link is to a file titled "summerprimeslice2.jpg", but the filename was "SummerPrimeSlice2.JPG." The server never seemed to mind the difference before, but now... uff da!

I'll keep an eye out for other broken links/images. If you spot any such problems, let me know, and I'll fix 'em!

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