
Monday, September 1, 2008

Bang for the Buck: Madville Times Outperforms Marketers with Budgets

While working on a story on the city budget and tax dollars used for advertising, I thought I'd check rankings for various local sites promoting Madison and Lake County. I ran these numbers in December and found that the big-budget operations (o.k., "big budget" here just means "having a budget") didn't do much better at establishing Web presence than my own free Blogger site. How do those numbers look now?
As the city reviews the proposed 2009 budget and asks for hard numbers on the return its getting for the money it spends on advertising, it should keep in mind that sometimes all it takes to get your community's name out there is a free website and some interesting, authentic content.


  1. Do you know if anyone has thought of a commercial similar to the one that Parker has out? I have this impression that people think Madison is farther away from Sioux Falls than it really is.

  2. Way to go Cory. Life doesn't have to be expensive.

  3. We had a commercial last year (anyone have a YouTube of that one?). I'm still waiting for the study on how much that ad increased economic activity....

  4. So there is yet hope for us widdo peepo (little people)!


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