
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

GOP Talking Heads on McCain-Palin: "It's Not Gonna Work. It's Over"

Think liberals are panicking? Here are prominent Republicans Mike Murphy and Peggy Noonan talking off air with MSNBC's Chuck Todd about the McCain-Palin debacle (courtesy an eager reader):

Murphy: "It's not gonna work."
Noonan: "It's over."

Todd: "...Kay Bailey Hutchinson... she's never been comfortable about this...
Murphy: "...they're all bummed out...."

Noonan: "The most qualified? No!"

Murphy: "The greatness of McCain is no cycnicism... this is cynical--"
Todd: "--and as you called it, gimmicky."

Eagleton... Eagleton....


  1. Actually, the talking heads were referring to the Obama/Biden ticket! Palin appeals to women, people who are sick of how the media has treated both Hillary and Palin, single moms, families of children with disabilities, families in general, people who like seeing an ordinary person rise to the top rather than career politicians and lawyers, people who value honesty instead of spin, and on and on.

    Even my sis who is not a Rep was wowed by Palin tonight. The race will heat up after tonight!

  2. Oh, and she also appeals to those who are sick of corruption in politics and like her record of cleaning up gov't in Alaska, and to those who have sons and daughters in the military as she does.

  3. Now you're just making stuff up, Anon. Murphy, Noonan, and Todd were discussing the McCain-Palin ticket.

    And if you're sick of corruption in politics, why on earth would you vote for the incumbent party?

    The doublespeak from Republicans is making my head spin.

  4. Like the Dem's haven't had their share of political scumbags. As I said elsewhere, I vote for the philosophy, and Obama's definitely is not mine.

  5. So, there are quotes that show them refering to Palin and McCain?

    Or is it he(McCain) and she(Palin) stuff?

  6. Um, Chuck, look at Murphy's last line there, where he says McCain. Listen to the tape. Context, context, context....

  7. "Oh, and she also appeals to those who are sick of corruption in politics and like her record of cleaning up gov't in Alaska, and to those who have sons and daughters in the military as she does."

    Cleaning up government? Is that what you call securing more than $27 million in federal earmarks over three years as mayor of a town of 6,500?

    Oh, and Biden's son deploys to Iraq Oct. 3.

  8. Hi Erin,

    Did you see what the "earmarks" went for?

    1) $16 million for a rail and bus project

    2) $500,000 for a mental health facility

    3) $950,000 for an ag processing plant

    The rest of the $27 mill wasn't documented in the article... but it goes on to say that her anti-earmark agenda came about after her mayoral position.

    Anyway, the majority of the Wasilla money was for public transportation... which is a standard green value here, right? I assume you and Cory are happy that now Wasilla has some rail and bus options. Are you against the mental health center? And Ag processing... would that be ethanol?

    So hooray for Palin for taking a Madison-sized town and putting the Madville Times agenda in action!

    Kind regards,

  9. You're kidding, right, David? Defending Palin by saying she doesn't really mean what she says?

    The image (and the McCain campaign is now all image) being sold from the RNC platform is of a candidate and a party that believe in smaller government and less dependence on pork. If you were to rise at a GOP meeting and say we should vote McCain-Plain because they use earmarks to put the "Madville Times agenda" into action, you'd get booed off the stage.

    The GOP's point is not what wonderful thing they can use pork for. Their point is that pork is bad and they will fight pork while Dems won't. The GOP is saying one thing and doing another. The Dems at least are honest enough to say sure, we'll do gov't programs, but we expect to pay for them.

  10. Even John McCain criticized some of the earmarks Mayor Palin requested... back before he decided she was qualified to inspire fundagelical campaign donors—oops, I mean, serve as President. I can't tell what page the Republicans are on anymore, other than the "say anything to win" page.

  11. Hi Cory,

    Don't vote on images, vote on the substance! Palin did promote the Madville Times' green agenda with her mayoral projects. Therefore the substance of Sarah Palin is government money for public transportation, mental health, and ag processing.

    Elect her and we'll have better public transportation funding all across the US. Right? Or are you thinking that Sarah Palin would be against public transportation earmarks in her vice presidency?

    Make a decision: is she going to go pro-public transportation or anti-earmarks?

    Obviously she can't do both, and the point of your thread is that she is for earmarks... meaning that she is for pro-public transportation. (Something you find desirable and probably vote-worthy.)

    The only way this logic doesn't hold up is if she had a change of mind somewhere along the way... such that she is now anti-earmarks (as she says she is), and is no longer in keeping with the actions of her earlier office. But if she changed her mind, then of what value is there in talking about actions she can't take back?

    Ergo, the only reasonable conclusion of this thread is that Sarah Palin is all talk when it comes to cutting earmarks... the real Sarah Palin is secretly hiding a national public transportation agenda.

    Kind regards,


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