
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mitt Romney, Ironist

More RNC doublespeak:

"For decades, the Washington sun has been rising in the east — Washington has been looking to the eastern elites, to the editorial pages of the Times and the Post, and to the broadcasters from the coast. If America really wants change, it’s time to look for the sun in the west...."

—Mitt Romney, graduate of Harvard Law and Harvard Business, former Governor of Massachusetts, address to Republican National Convention, 2008.09.03.

Update 2008.09.05 14:37 CDT: Paul Krugman dittoes the above.


  1. ... almost as good as wearing "Hottest Governor from the Coolest State" and then crying sexism when the press questions Palin's experience.

    That's the great thing about Republicans: they make up the material for the late night comedy shows for you.

  2. The west? Like San Francisco or Boulder?


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