
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin's Reverend Wright Moments

So Dr. Blanchard wants to play the Reverend Wright card again. O.K.

I'm an Alaskan, not an American. I've got no use for America or her damned institutions.
—Joe Vogler, founder, Alaskan Independence Party

I am delighted to welcome you to the 2008 Alaskan Independence Party convention in the Golden Heart City, Fairbanks.
—Governor Sarah Palin, video address, 2008.03.24

The difference, my dear Dr. Blanchard, between Governor Palin's wacky friends and Senator Obama's erstwhile pastor Jeremiah Wright is that we have Senator Obama on record disavowing Rev. Wright's "damning" of America (although, as you'll recall from April, I'm not convinced Wright said anything that needed disavowing). Governor Palin, meanwhile, explicitly welcomes a party that disavows America and slaps America's institutions with the d-word. Governor Palin giggles at the b-word and worse insults on live radio, issues a half-hearted apology (after catching public heck) that misses the point, then essentially endorses the purveyors of that language by giving them a scoop interview the day Senator McCain picks her as his running mate. (Haven't seen Obama giving Wright any public interviews lately, have you?)

So, to review, by picking Palin, McCain has taken age, inexperience, foreign policy knowledge, fine oratory, and now Reverend Wright off the table as issues he can use against Obama. Bush and the Iraqi government have knocked the legs out from under McCain's argument that a timetable for troop withdrawal is a bad idea. History is killing McCain's argument that his Republican policies will be better for the economy than Obama's (a new analysis finds the economy consistently grows faster and more fairly under Democratic Presidents). Pretty soon all McCain-Palin will have left to run on is moose burgers and creationism. And at this point, nothing could be more ironic than a McCain campaign touting "intelligent design."

New campaign slogan: McCain-Palin: The Campaign to Nowhere.

Update 08:22: ABC's Jake Tapper reports that Palin and her husband were members of the Alaskan Independence Party in 1994.

Update 12:00: Alaskan Independence Party Vice Chairman Dexter Clark confirms Palin's membership in the AIP and says she remains sympathetic to the party. Clark goes on to discuss the AIP's strategy of infiltrating major parties to achieve its secessionist goals. Hmm... calling for secession from the Union... how much does Palin love America?

[Sorry, long video download: comments on Palin at 6:00 -- at peril of losing context, I'll try to find a shorter version.]

Update 2008.09.04 14:37: Speaking of reverends, check out what Palin's former pastor Ed Kalnins preaches at Wasilla Assembly of God, where Palin got her theology for much of her adult life. Not that I'm criticizing the pastor... I wouldn't want to go to heck.


  1. Please. You're so drunk off the "Obama Kool-Aid" it's not even funny. Go lick his feet some more.

  2. It will be interesting to see if Palin was ever active in the party. I remember listening to a program that contended Canada will one day split east and west on different issues, so it's not inconceivable Alaska would one day take its own route or be part of Canada. Heck, what do we have in common with southern California?

  3. Anon 8:06. She was a member in the 1990s and, with the first dude, attended AIPs state convention in 1994. The first dude was an AIP member from the early 1990s until 2002. I will be happy to come out of retirement to meet you and any another AIP or War of Southern Aggression anti-US sympathizers at the Fort Anderson of the future.

  4. I think that the selection of Palin is the best thing that could have happened for Obama. The Republicans are in damage control mode as evidenced by their over the top support of Palin. This could very well be the issue that tips the balance in an otherwise very close campaign.
    As for Dr. Blanc (the of so French) hard I find him amusing. I liken much of his comments to those of Stephen (parlez-vous) Colbert. He is on record calling Mitt Romney the "Mormon Cicero." LOL Still makes me chuckle every time I think of it. He quotes Dr. Henry Kissinger on exit strategies from Asian wars...freaking hilarious! I know he has a PhD in political science but his knowledge of anything geopolitical is non existent. It is like he is reciting some Bush party line...absolutely pathetic, but quite funny. At least he is proofreading his posting a bit more closely these days...he was making mistakes that made me cringe. Straight talk express? I think "Pineapple Express" is much more apropos.


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