
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Christian Science Monitor Replacing Print with Web

An icon of South Dakota high school speech activities is about to undergo a landmark change: The Christian Science Monitor, which turns 100 on November 25, has announced it will become the first national newspaper to shift from print to Web. In April 2009, CSM will end its daily print edition, produce daily e-mail and weekly print editions, and focus on expanding its online content. (No word on whether the Webification of the monitor will also sound the death knell for the really bland editorial cartoons.)

Editor-in-chief Mary Trammell sees CSM's enhanced online presence as key to continuing the pursuit of founder Mary Baker Eddy's vision of "journalism that seeks to bless humanity, not injure, and that shines light on the world's challenges in an effort to seek solutions."

Not a bad standard to live up to. "Injure no man, but bless all mankind"—remind me of that when I get cranky. Maybe remind the supporters of Initiated Measure 11 of that as well, as they try to win votes by waging personal attacks on Tiffany Campbell (remind me again—who are the Christians in the room?).

Going online offers some obvious business advantages:
  • Instead of waiting for the mail five days a week, readers can get updates 24/7.
  • CSM can reach a bigger audience with less investment.
  • Websites are cheaper than printing presses.
Don't I know it! Just today 300 of you have stopped by to read what I have to say, and it's cost me nothing more than a little typing on a $600 machine that I've gotten good use out of almost every day for over two years. If I had to crank out photocopies and deliver them to all of your houses every day, well, obviously, the Madville Times wouldn't exist.

Oh, what's the connection between the Christian Science Monitor and South Dakota speech activities? Well, for years, a donor from Brookings has paid for CSM subscriptions for every high school in the state with an active National Forensic League chapter. I have thus heard hundreds of extemp speeches backed up with evidence from the trusty Monitor. I have also seen kids loading the buses with big plastic tubs stuffed with expertly organized folders stuffed with CSM articles on everything from the Albanian economy to Zoloft.

As the Christian Science Monitor goes electronic, perhaps we will see those hulking extemp tubs replaced with iPhones downloading the latest CSM right at the tournament. The novi can only hope. ;-)


  1. While I was not a reader of the CSM, I must admit that I read most newspapers online myself. Sign of the times... Yet, I find it sad that the glory days of the printed newspaper are clearly history - some of the biggest dailies are struggling seriously. Soon we will carry out 'Kindle' to the coffeehouse. Not quite the same...

  2. Wow. What is Augustana's Political Science department going to do now? In a government class I took the professor subscribed all the students in the class to CSM. It was fun getting a newspaper in my mailbox for a semester.

    But I agree that this move makes sense. I check out CSM's website once in a while to get their take on current events. I might even sign up for their e-mail editions for old times' sake.


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