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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Backyard Dinner: Beat the Recession with Gardening!

Growing your own food is a great way to fight rising prices at the grocery store and the gas pump. Every meal you can pull from your own ground is one less trip to the grocery store, not to mention that much less demand for the unhealthy long-distance transportation that brings us the harvest from California and other faraway places.

But if everyone tried to be more food self-sufficient, might that not hurt the economy as overall sales dip?

Ah, but where there's a will to make a buck, there's a way to make even self-sufficiency a boost for the broader economy. Last night's Marketplace tells us about "edible landscaping companies" that make their living helping newbie gardeners turn their boring old lawns into do-it-yourself cornucopiae:

It's part of a day-long organic gardening crash-course by Weihmann's company, All Edibles. They design and build your garden and teach you how to take care of it.

First-time gardeners Paul Silverman and Laura Shapiro are doing a new low-budget package developed by All Edibles. The entire garden gets built in one day, and the clients have to help do the work....

This one-day build costs $1,400. Not cheap, but the garden planted today should produce enough vegatables and herbs to feed a small family for the entire year [Andrew Stelzer, "Cheaper Dinner Grown in the Backyard," Marketplace, 2009.03.23].

Even in the self-sufficient local economy, the smart businessperson can find a way to provide a service that helps the neighbors and puts food on everyone's table.


  1. Your site meter just broke 150,000 hits. That is quite a milestone in two years in a town of 6000. Nice Job! I don't always agree with you, but you give us a forum in which opinions can flow freely. I think our community is better for it.

  2. $1400 to make a garden...pretty sure my grandma just rolled over in her grave.

    funny how we can "modernize" anything into a yupster commodity, i guess.

  3. [Anon 1:01: thanks for noticing! I'm happy to serve. :-) ]

    Anon 3:06: never underestimate the willingness of big-city people to pay good money for stuff you and I and Grandma all have the gumption to do for ourselves. But remember, city folks may not have the equipment it takes to convert a normal yard into a garden. If this service gets homeowners started with gardening, and the homeowners take it from there and do the work themselves, that's a good thing.


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