Google rides again with a convenient little cartopolitical diversion: our favorite seekers of world domination have created an interactive map of projections for the 2010 midterm elections! You can see best guesses from Cook, Rothenberg, CQ-Roll Call, and RealClearPolitics for the Senate, House, and gubernatorial races in each state or for the whole country at a glance. Republicans, revel in the pinkish tide sweeping across the country in the gubernatorial races. Democrats, thrill to the too-close-to-call battle in the South Dakota House race (CQ and Cook say toss-up; RCP says lean GOP; Rothenberg says teeny tilt Dem).
Worth noting: Google ignores the third candidate in South Dakota's House race, B. Thomas Marking, who I might suggest hasn't missed much since he suspended his campaign for FEMA training in Alabama.
Also worth noting: the Google election projection map is embeddable... but as I test it this morning, lacks a horizontal scrollbar that would allow me to fit it into the humble 460-pixel confines of this blog's main content panel. Alas!
It’s time to fix the Denty!
So I heard last year these bids were coming up, can’t wait to see the
price-tags on this. Of course, if the repairs are reasonable they will come
out of th...
1 day ago
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