
Monday, February 5, 2007

Russ Olson, True to His Words? Let's Hope So!

In his January 29 "State Capitol Update" in the Madison Daily Leader, District 8 Representative Russell Olson made the following statement:

I didn't seek this position to make laws. Quite honestly, I feel that we have enough laws on the books the way it is. However, I am for cleaning up existing legislation that makes practical sense. I am a proponent of maximizing efficiencies in our government and watching out for your bottom line.

Some of my friends on hearing that quote have asked what the point of becoming a legislator is if not to legislate, to create the new policies that ever-changing times and circumstances require. I, however, am just curious to see if our Republican friend will apply this principle when the latest abortion ban come to the House floor. Will he defend the idea that we have enough laws on the books and vote against HB 1293? Oh, the suspense....


  1. Well, it only took Rep. Olson a week to find new legislation he likes. In his Feb. 5 "State Capitol Update," Olson touts HB 1241, a measure that will clear up language in state law to permit state universities to sell leased computers back to students. For a brief, shining week, it looked like we might have a classic conservative on our hands. No such luck!

  2. And if you check the legislature's page on Rep. Olson, you'll see (as of tonight) two bills for which he is the primary sponsor and 25 bills which he has co-sponsored. So much for not wanting to make new laws.


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