
Sunday, December 30, 2007

What Are We Doing Here? Blogging Explained...

The problem with my research for DSU: the readings lead me to so many interesting websites and diversions, I'll be lucky if I get my dissertation written before all the information technology I'm researching is obsolete.

One long, convoluted research stream leads me to the blog of Richard Dennison, who posts this fine little video from Commoncraft explaining blogs. Commoncraft does all sorts of clever little instuctional videos like this, fun low-tech productions explaining all this high-tech communication we're doing. If you're new to blogs, this video is great. Enjoy!

Special Bonus! Another video from Commoncraft, this one on social networking (all that Facebook/LinkedIn stuff). Snappy and fun -- every teacher's PowerPoint should be this good.

O.K., I'll admit it, I had to take a research break. here's one for SD Politics and my brother-in-law:


  1. You are a weird and funny man with some of the stuff you find post...

  2. correction, "find to post," sorry

  3. Weird and funny -- that's my doctoral program for you... ;-)


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