Speaking of intellectual extra-curricular activities, the Montrose High School Theater Company won the Region I-B One-Act Play Contest at Brandon Valley yesterday. The kids, directed by Montrose HS English department Megan Francis, earned straight first-place rankings from all three judges over their competition from Chester, Colman-Egan, Irene-Wakonda, and Freeman Academy. Five Montrose thespians -- Katie Lebeda, Corinne Waba, Lauren Ollerich, Erin Binder, and Dathan Rappana -- won outstanding performer awards (and the latter four are juniors, so they'll be back for more next year!).
The Montrose cast earned their seventh straight trip to the State One-Act Festival, which takes place this year on the big stage at the Johnson Fine Arts Center, Northern State University, next week, Thursday through Saturday, Jan 31-Feb 2. My source in the show tells me Montrose will perform at State on Friday night, 8:15 p.m., an awesome time slot when the house is usually packed with kids and coaches who want to have a good time.
Good work, kids! I'm glad to see you prove that it wasn't my directing through five seasons that got you where you are: it's your talent and hard work. Rehearse hard next week, do what your director Ms. Franics says, then break a leg and rock the house on Friday!
Fence around the Dudley House is just a developer scam
UPDATE: During the meeting last night the Chancellor of the Catholic
Diocese came up to podium to answer questions. He basically said that the
city wants t...
2 days ago
Congratulations from Mrs. Madville Times, too, kids! Great work!