
Sunday, June 1, 2008

Bill Clinton in Madison -- Photos!

Bill Clinton's visit to Madison was only the second Presidential visit ever to our fair city. (Well, maybe the third: DeLon tells me that when President Bush came with then-Representative Thune to speak at the Dakota Ethanol plant in Wentworth, a bunch of serious dudes in dark suits, earpieces, and big black SUVs pulled up, got lots of sacks of cheeseburgers, and then sped away.) When history like this happens, even if you're voting for the other guy (and my wife and I still are!) you put your kid in the backpack and go to town to see history.

Erin fired up the camera again -- here's what she caught:

Bill Clinton speaks at Madison Public Library
Ivy, columns, beautiful trees -- Is that President Clinton at the Madison Public Library or Harvard Yard? (Mrs. Madville Times loves those angled photos.)
Bill Clinton speaks in Madison as sun comes out
President Clinton outlasts the sprinkles -- out comes the sun on a beautiful Saturday summer evening in Madison.

Bill Clinton works the stage, away from podium
We don't need no stinking podium -- Bill Clinton works the stage... and, in a remarkable departure from his usual speaking style, points with his finger fully extended rather than that old familiar knuckle-point of his. Vote for Hillary -- he must really mean it!

Bill Clinton addresses large crowd at Madison Public Library
The Madville Times crowd estimate: 700 people... at least 150 baseball caps, and one nice sun hat. (Horseshoe Seven offers a more conservative estimate of 400... and more pictures!)

Bill Clinton points again
See? No half-fingered/half-hearted pointing from Clinton in this speech!

Bill Clinton tells Lauck, Heidelberger, and other sneaky Madison bloggers not to mess with his wife
Any bloggers out there? Heidelberger? Lauck? Don't you pick on my wife! Even from behind, Lauck looks skeptical.

Clinton wears cowboy boots
I had my doubts about that orange necktie, but it does match the boots... sort of. The former President is evidently always ready for the horsehockey to get deep.

Notice also Madison's finest on the job... and cleverly camouflaged behind that audio equipment! Darn near invisible! Good work, men!

Bill Clinton, Geoff Wetrosky, and Johnny Five
President Clinton shakes hands with the Madison crowd. He even shook my hand, and I was still wearing my Obama button on my hat. Mighty nice of him! Following the President is Beresford favorite son Geoff Wetrosky, state director of the Hillary Clinton SD campaign. And hey, isn't that Johnny Five back there? Need input, more input!

Bill Clinton, profile
Nice to meet you, glad to be here....

President Clinton shakes hands, looks for ice cream?
Hey, that's a good-lookin' ice cream cone. Mind if my Secret Service man has a lick?


  1. That "ORANGE" tie the President had on was to show the community his support for the University of Tennessee volunteers in general and specifically the Lady Vols Basketball program, perhaps the only basketball program in the country that wouldn't struggle in the NBA Finals! Hehehehehe.........

    Besides, should not Pat Summitt be Hillary's running mate?

  2. I noticed Hillary's national campaign director wore an orange tie this morning on the TV commentary show with George Stephanopolis. Definately stands out.

    If Bill Clinton were legally able to run again, he would win. Best orator in decades, democrat or republican.

    Now that he's left town, our wives and daughters can move about freely again.

  3. What was the "first" Presidential visit -- the Nixon dedication of the Mundt archives?


  4. Meethiniks "4america" is either a spammer or is just a broken record.

  5. Yup, xrad, Mundt brought Nixon here. That's it for official Presidential visits to Madison!


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