
Monday, June 16, 2008

Lake Herman Sanitary District Needs You!

The Lake Herman Sanitary District is looking for one eager public servant. The LHSD board, of which I am a trustee, has a vacancy coming up, as Charlie Stoneback's term expires this summer. So far, no one has submitted a nominating petition. The deadline for submitting petitions is Wednesday, June 18. If no one submits a petition, Lawrence Dirks and I will have to appoint someone... and you know how I feel about boards simply appointing someone.

Actually, I don't think the Lake Herman Sanitary District has ever had a full-tilt election. Every summer when an open seat comes up, one person at the msot submits a petition. I suppose we could be happy that we've saved a small sum on elections over the 30 years of the district's existence, but if there's historically been that little interest in serving on this particular board, one might wonder if the board's very existence is important at all.

So hey, Lake Herman residents! Get a petition (come see me or board counsel Jerome Lammers), get signatures (I needed seven last year), and get that paper to me by Wednesday!


  1. How come does that pay?

  2. How come? Well, same reason other elected positions include some salary, I guess.

  3. Actually, I meant, how much does that pay? (proofreading never was my strong point)

  4. Oh! Thanks for the clarification. Board members get $50 per meeting. I think there's also a separate annual check of $150. If we get back to quarterly meetings, that would mean $350 for a year's service.


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