
Monday, June 2, 2008

Napoleon Dynamite, Meet Max Supernova

If I've told you kids one, I've told you a thousand times: Don't trust spellcheck!

AP reports another case of adults at Taylor Publishing just hitting F7:

A computer spell-checker run amok christened several Pennsylvania high school students with new — and in some cases unflattering — last names.

Middletown Area High School's yearbook listed Max Zupanovic as "Max Supernova," Kathy Carbaugh as "Kathy Airbag" and Alessandra Ippolito as "Alexandria Impolite," just to name a few.

"It was kind of funny, but kind of rude at the same time," Ippolito said ["Spell-check Run Amok Changes Names in Pa. Yearbook," AP via Yahoo News, 2008.06.02].

Max Supernova -- maybe Max will keep that one! But I hate to think what they'll do to my daughter's name.

Reporting from Lake Hermeneutics, for the Medieval Times, I'm Corny Alien Heineken.


  1. The Higher Powers alone know what such amokware would call me.

  2. How about Standard Giblets?


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