
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Solis at Solstice, Chicago in the Sun

Rank speculation on a beautiful summer day....

I just read Professor Blanchard's latest musings on the appointment of former Clintonista Patti Solis Doyle as chief of staff to Senator Obama's running mate. I concur that her appointment right now is a head-scratcher. Indeed, wouldn't you think the Obama camp would pick the running mate first, then ask that running mate for some input on whom she/he wants as chief of staff?

And then it hits me (thank you, Dr. Blanchard, for the inspiration): Solis Doyle's appointment is proof that Chicago politics rules supreme. It's more than cronyism: it's a reward for a job well done. Solis Doyle's performance as Clinton's campaign manager was too incompetent to be believed. She knew what she was doing: she was the Obama machine's plant in the Clinton camp. They got to Solis Doyle in 2006, got her to burn up Clinton's Senate campaign money and then sabotage the great inevitable campaign in Iowa. Mission accomplished; now Solis Doyle can come in from the cold and openly work for the Chicago pals she's been helping all along.

Solis Doyle's appointment is also more than a slap at Clinton: the Obama camp is saying to all of its prospective VP candidates that this will not be a co-presidency. There will be no Darth Cheney. Obama sets the rules, right down to your closest staffer. Have fun presiding in the Senate; Obama and the Chicago machine will make all the rules.

Embrace the soap opera -- it can be a lot of fun!

By the way, Obama and Solis Doyle's family go way back:

Patti Solis Doyle I think is a terrific experienced campaign hand. She's from Chicago. Her brother and I organized on the southeast side of Chicago when I first moved to Chicago as a community organizer, so I've known the family for a very long time [Barack Obama, quoted in Mark Murray, "Obama on Patti Solis Doyle," MSNBC FirstRead, 2008.06.17].

Community organizing -- that's 1985-1988. Obama got his hooks on this gal before she went to work for the Clintons in the 1992 campaign. She's also been pals with Obama's big dog Jim Axelrod since the 1980s.

For a some gentle background, here's a quick bio from the Chicago Sun-Times, from 2007, before things got hot. Daughter of Mexican working-class immigrants, husband also a Harvard Law grad, just like Obama... heh heh heh!

Update 09:20: But forget the soap opera. Marc Ambinder gives the straight read: "Patti Solis Doyle was hired because she fit what the campaign was looking for, she knows every Democrat in the universe, and can be trusted and discreet."

And another speculative bolt from the blue: the Obama campaign is getting ready to go hardcore rainbow coalition, putting Solis Doyle in position to help with the heavy-duty Latino outreach to be led by Obama's running mate Bill Richardson.


  1. It's not often we think alike, Cory, but that was my guess on the soap opera story line! Actually, with my view of Obama I wouldn't put it past him! (humor, okay?) I can't figure out how people still believe he is for any change. Look at what he does and who he surrounds himself with. No different than any politician.

  2. Bill Richardson would be a fine choice. But I think Wesley Clark would be better.

  3. Clark better -- I'm not convinced. He didn't catch fire in the 2004 race (no more than Richardson did this time around), and Richardson still brings a broader portfolio with experience in foreign policy, energy, and elected office.


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