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Monday, July 21, 2008

James Dobson Endorses Barack Obama...

...or at least endorses changing one's mind...

Hat tip to Mr. Schwartz at the freshly remonikered Politics and Hypocrisy: It appears James Dobson is neither a theologian nor a man of his word. After saying he would not vote for McCain, Dobson now claims "the possibility is there that I might" endorse the presumptive GOP nominee.

But given how he defends this change of conscience, and he might just as easily endorse Obama:

There's nothing dishonorable in a person rethinking his or her positions, especially in a constantly changing political context [James Dobson, quoted in AP, "James Dobson Might Endorse John McCain," Los Angeles Times, 2008.07.21].

So in one fell swoop, Dobson proves his desperate need for attention and takes flip-flops off the table as an issue in the presidential debates. On behalf of the GOP, thanks a bunch, Jim!

Boy, I wonder if some days, Dobson wishes he had stayed out of politics and religion and just stuck with promoting spanking.


  1. while I disagree with Dobson on a lot of issues, I don't feel the kind of venom you seem to have for the man. Why attack the man for what probably 1/3 of the conservatives in the country are trying to decide. I would have voted for Tom Tankredo before John McCain, but if I thought my vote would help put Obama in office I would turn around and "flip-flop" too.

  2. Dobson is saying nothing more than Obama has said and done on numerous issues in this campaign. Obama doesn't call it flip-flopping; he calls it re-evaluating his position or some such. Think flag pin, timeline for Iraq, payroll tax increase and no payroll tax increase, etc. It's all politics. Isn't it lovely.

  3. Phaedrus,

    The venom many of us have for Dobson is related to how he has used his powerful (although thankfully waning) voice in his attacks on institutions and people that we love.

    The damage he has done in leading the conservative charge against civil liberties and freedom of conscience in the last 30 years is hard to calculate. Conservatives should be furious, the black helicopter troops they fear if they come will be coming from the ranks of private militias-for-hire like FOF's close allies Blackwater. (Ask the google - this is fact, not left wing spin.)

    His influence is so great among his fans that he has a lot of blood on his hands in the huge amount of teenage suicide and hate crime that is fed by his constant campaign against non-heterosexuals.

    Do you get it now? He's an enemy. He really is.


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